
Zach John King is from Fayetteville, GA, a small town outside of Atlanta with a population of 18k. His grandfather worked on the line at General Motors and his grandmother introduced him to country music on Saturday mornings at a very young age. The Georgia native writes heartfelt lyrics inspired by multiple events from his own life intermixed with a genre-bending sound of country, americana and indie rock. King's songs carry twist-heavy lyrics, memorable melodies, and heartache coming from an artist who considers himself "kinda country" pointing back to small town life and love lost. King's personal story and songs have connected with fans, quietly amassing over 3M views on demos and worktapes on Tik Tok before his first official release. He’s now reached over 5M global streams across 5 singles since Oct ‘23 and is slated to release his first EP, Wannabe Cowboy, on 5/24 featuring new song, “The Way I See You”.